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Fertility Hormone blood test profile: Knowing more about your fertility status

Fertility problems and issues can be stressful and worrying. When planning or trying to conceive, understanding the body’s fertility can be paramount to planning and preparation. A private Fertility Hormone blood test is an insightful tool in a person’s fertility and pregnancy journey. This test, at Fusion Healthcare, can provide vital information about the hormonal balance and reproductive health. This information can help healthcare providers develop tailored plans to conceive.

Why would you need this test?

This private fertility hormone blood test is useful in identifying hormone imbalances of the fertility hormones. Hormone imbalances and deficiencies can be the root of a range of problems and can also indicate underlying health conditions. There are a number of symptoms and reasons that warrant a test like this, including: if you experience:

  • Irregular periods
  • Absent periods
  • Fatigue
  • Stomach problems
  • Mood swings
  • Difficulty getting pregnant
  • A history of miscarriages
  • Plan to go undergo fertility treatments

These tests are crucial for several reasons:

  • Diagnosing Infertility: Identifying hormonal imbalances that may be causing difficulties in conceiving.
  • Guiding Treatment: Helping doctors tailor fertility treatments such as IVF, ovulation induction, or hormonal therapies.
  • Monitoring Health: Assessing ovarian reserve and overall reproductive health, especially for women considering delaying pregnancy.
  • Identification of underlying health conditions: Some fertility hormone imbalances are caused by other health conditions

Why should I get this blood test?

This private fertility blood test profile is valuable in assessing the important hormones involved in the regulation of the menstrual cycle and allowing for successful fertilization and implantations. Additionally, this test is valuable in helping healthcare providers to plan and tailor the fertility and pregnancy journey. Fertility problems are often a result of imbalances which may be an indication of more serious underlying conditions. If and individual notices symptoms as listed above, then a fertility hormones

blood test can provide some valuable information into what may be causing them. Additionally, this blood test profile is valuable for those wanting or trying to get pregnant as it provides important information on your fertility status allowing for planning, intervention and management.

What information does this test provide?

This profile looks at some important female hormones:

Follicular stimulating hormone (FSH), this hormone stimulates the growth and maturation of eggs of eggs in the ovaries. FSH helps to control the menstrual cycle. If a person is not ovulating then their FSH levels may be high or low, depending on the cause.

Progesterone, progesterone regulates the menstrual cycle and supports pregnancy. Low levels of progesterone can affect fertility and menstruation. The testing of progesterone can provide a lot of valuable information pertaining to fertility. Progesterone levels can be used to determine whether ovulation has occurred, determining whether a miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy has occurred, evaluating the underlying causes of infertility, among other uses.

Prolactin, high levels of prolactin inhibits secretion of FSH which may supress ovulation as a result. Higher than normal prolactin levels can cause menstrual problems and infertility. Prolactin signals the breast tissue to grow during pregnancy and make milk for breast feeding after birth. Higher than normal prolactin levels may be an indication of an underlying health problem such as hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid), a tumour on the pituitary gland (prolactinoma, this tumour produces prolactin), or kidney disease etc.

Luteinizing hormone (LH), LH levels surge around the mid-point of the menstrual cycle, this surge is what triggers ovulation. LH levels peak roughly 48 hours before ovulation, increased LH is an indication that ovulation may occur soon but is not confirmation that ovulation has or will occur.

Oestrogen, oestrogen levels should be assessed to ensure that the ovaries are producing the right amount of oestrogen. Oestrogen levels that are too high or too lw can cause conditions such as menstrual issues and vaginal bleeding, testing oestrogen can help identify if this is the cause.

AMH, AMH levels correspond to the number of eggs you have (your ovarian reserve), high levels mean a higher ovarian reserve while low levels mean a lower ovarian reserve. Testing AMH is important in predicating the response to IVF treatment.

By assessing the levels of these hormones this test can determine imbalances which may be causing problems related to deficiency. Additionally, it can identify other health conditions that may be stemming from fertility hormone imbalances.

What to Expect During the Test

A fertility hormones blood test is straightforward. It usually involves:

  1. Blood Sample: A small blood sample is taken by a Fusion Healthcare nurse, typically on specific days of your menstrual cycle for the most accurate readings.
  2. Analysis: The sample is analysed in a lab, and results will be typically be received in 24 hours.

Fusion Healthcare have an in-house GP with whom a consultation can be organized to discuss results and next steps. If this is of interest, please contact Fusion Healthcare.

At Fusion Healthcare, we also offer a range of fertility ultrasound scans that are valuable in providing further information on fertility status and reproductive health.

For more information or to see our extensive range of fertility services, please contact us at: