Thalassaemia blood test: Get to know the health of your future baby
Are you pregnant or trying for a baby? Do you know what disorders you are at risk of passing onto your baby? Our sickle cell and Thalassaemia blood test combination can tell you if you or your partner are a carrier of these blood disorders and could pass them onto your child.
Thalassaemia are blood disorders which affect haemoglobin, the part of the blood that carries oxygen around the body. Individuals with these health conditions need specialist care throughout their lives. If parents/prospected parents are carriers of either of these disorders, they could pass them down to their baby. In the UK, all pregnant women are offered a thalassaemia blood test, if the mother is a carrier, screening is then offered for the partner; a sickle cell blood test is offered to pregnant women thought to be at high risk of sickle cell.
At Fusion Healthcare we know offer a combination private thalassaemia and sickle cell blood test. If you or your partner are worried or would like peace of mind then an early blood test could be valuable in your pregnancy journey.
Sickle cell disease
Individuals with sickle cell disease produce abnormally shaped blood cells which can cause problems as these cells do not live as long as healthy cells and can block blood vessels.
Screening for sickle cell disease is offered to assess the risk of the child being born with the disorder. Additionally, all babies are offered screening as part of the new born blood spot test (heel prick test).
Blood tests can be carried out at any age to check for sickle cell disease or to check if you are a carrier of the gene that causes it.
What is Thalassaemia Blood Test?
Individuals with thalassaemia produce either little or no haemoglobin, which can cause them to become very anaemic. There are different types of thalassaemia, which can be divided into alpha and beta thalassaemias. Beta thalassaemia major is the most severe type.
Thalassaemia is often detected during pregnancy or soon after birth. Blood tests can be done at anytime to check for thalassaemia or to see if you are a carrier and are at risk of having a child with the disorder.
In the UK, screening for thalassaemia is offered to all pregnant women. If the mother is a carrier then the father is also offered screening to see if he is also a carrier. Ideally, screening should be carried out before you are 10 weeks pregnant so that you and you partner have time to consider next steps and further testing to confirm if your baby will be born with thalassaemia.
Why its important to check thalassaemia blood test?
Blood tests play a crucial role in the screening programmes aimed at identifying carriers of the sickle cell and thalassaemia traits. Identifying carriers is crucial for genetic counselling and family planning, as it helps individuals understand their risk of passing on the disease to their children.
Thalassaemia present significant challenges for patients. Thalassaemia Blood tests serve as indispensable tools for diagnosing, monitoring, managing, and identifying carriers of these conditions. The results of these tests can provide guidance and options for management. If you are worried or want confirmation as to whether you or your partner are carriers then this test could provide you with peace of mind regarding your pregnancy/prospective pregnancy.
Thalassaemia Blood Test Cost £145
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