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What is an Ultrasound scan?

Clinician performing abdominal scan

An ultrasound scan, also known as sonography, is a non-invasive medical imaging technique that uses high-frequency sound waves to create real-time images of internal body structures. It is commonly used to visualize organs, tissues, and developing fetuses in the womb. Ultrasound scans play a crucial role in diagnosing and monitoring various medical conditions without the need for radiation, making them safe and widely applicable. You may have an Ultrasound scan for:

  • Diagnostic purposes (i.e. kidney stones, etc)
  • Obstetrics (Pregnancy monitoring)
  • General ultrasound
  • Lumps and bumps
  • Combination with other diagnostic tests

Ultrasonography does not expose patients to any radiation and instead utilises sound waves to form images of internal anatomy. 

How does it work?

Ultrasounds scans utilise high-frequency sound waves to create an image of internal anatomy. These soundwaves are emitted from probes called transducers which are placed over the area of interest using transducer jelly. The sound waves given off by the probes bounce off of different parts of the anatomy creating echoes. These echoes return to the probe allowing for a moving image to be displayed on the monitor. Sonographers will record and capture movement and images which best display useful information of the anatomy.

Preparing for an Ultrasound

Different ultrasound scans require different kinds of preparation to ensure the best quality mages are acquired during the scan.

For pregnancy ultrasounds scans or for scans of the pelvic area, patients may be asked to drink water leading up to the scan and not go to the toilet until after the scan is finished. For ultrasound scans focusing on anatomy in the digestive system, patients may be asked to not eat or drink for several hours leading up to the scan. Our Fusion Healthcare staff will notify you of anything you may need to do to prepare.

What happens during the scan?

Ultrasounds scans typically take 15-30 minutes to complete and will be performed by our highly experienced and specialised Fusion Healthcare sonographers.

At Fusion Healthcare we offer different types of ultrasound scans:

  • External: The ultrasound probe is moved over the skin. We provide a range of general and MSK ultrasound scans.
  • Internal: The probe is inserted into the body. We offer Transvaginal scans to get a closer look at the ovaries and womb. TV scans are generally offered if the external scan did not provide enough information.
  • Ultrasound guided injection: At Fusion Healthcare we offer Ultrasound-guided injections for joint pain, please visit our website for more information.

Are there any risks?

Ultrasounds scans do not use any radiation and the majority of scans are non-invasive, therefore are considered safe. There are no associated risks with ultrasounds, however, some patients may experience a light reaction to the transducer gel used on the skin, any reactions should clear up after a couple of days.


Ultrasounds scans are quick, safe, and affordable and can provide high quality images of internal structures and pathologies. Ultrasound scans have many different uses and at Fusion Healthcare we hope you can find a scan to suit your needs. 

To see the extensive range of ultrasound scans we have to offer or to book an ultrasound scan, please visit our website:

For any questions or enquiries, contact us at:

TEL: 01582 249449
EMAIL: info@fusion-radiology.com

Our Clinic based on Luton.